Praise The Lord! God created man to dwell with him. Earth was created for man in the book of Genesis we read God ensured all the necessary thing needed for man to live in earth before he created man. God always expects a fellowship with man, for this purpose he used to visit Garden of Eden every evening till Adam committed sin. God wants to be our good friend, but man for his temporary pleasures deviated from this fellowship.
But there again God didn’t forsake him and came searching for him. But men became addicted to all sins and provoked God to anger.
In Genesis 6:6 we see that the God repented for creating man. It made him very sad. The wickedness of men were so heavy that God decided to destroy mankind.
But our God is faithful to assure protection to an individual who leads a life departed from evil even if he is in the midst of a wicked generation. For the God restored righteous and innocent Noah from that perishing generation of his time.
God often failed in his attempt turn people towards him, even though he has done many miracles for their well being they following the footsteps of Adam sleeked sin as a hide out from God.
In Exodus chapter 25 we see God says to Moses, Even when children of Israel complained about various things against the God who delivered then from the bonds of Egypt he led them safely and satisfied their needs. All what he intended was the people return to their own land and they could be together in fellowship.
In the Old Testament we see people offered various animals as per their financial status to get rid of their sins, but the tendency of people to commit these same mistakes still rule them. So God decided to give his only begotten Son to save the world, and mankind from the clutches of sin and to let them receive eternity.
God passed judgment for the sin of men and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ accepted all our sins and died on cross. Jesus says; “I wish to dwell in your hearts”.
God will convert man into his temple if he submits his body with all divinity before Lord for it is most pleasing offering to God.
God forsake all his praises and highness in heaven and come to this world to have fellowship with us. He travelled and ate with peter, John, James etc, and had fellowship with them. God loves to do the same with us. He stands knocking of the door of our heart, whoever hears it and opens the door shall have dinner with them.
Our God with great patience is waiting for us. It’s only due to his great grace that his second coming to take his people is being prolonged.
In the book of Revelation chapter 21 verses 3-5 we read “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: “Look! The residence of God is among human beings. He will live among them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will not exist anymore – or mourning, or crying, or pains, for the former things have ceased to exist.”
God is eagerly waiting for those who will submit themselves before him. “Who will submit himself before God to be his dwelling place”??
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